
PMS, prämenstruelles Syndrom, Stimmungstiefs, schlechte Laune vor Periode

PMS – P My ASS or P My Power?

So I'm writing a text about PMS and, ironically, I'm in the middle of it myself. PMS, premenstrual syndrome. During certain months it doesn't affect me at all and during...

PMS – P My ASS or P My Power?

So I'm writing a text about PMS and, ironically, I'm in the middle of it myself. PMS, premenstrual syndrome. During certain months it doesn't affect me at all and during...

Zahlen und Fakten über die Periode, Menge an Blut

<tc>PERIOD</tc> Facts

We have put together a few exciting facts and figures for you that show: Your period is the most normal thing in the world and you are not alone. ❤️

<tc>PERIOD</tc> Facts

We have put together a few exciting facts and figures for you that show: Your period is the most normal thing in the world and you are not alone. ❤️