Periode auf Reisen, Soft-Tampons

PERIOD. traveling – part 2

By Silja Elsener (text, illustration & photos)

Silja gets her period while traveling. Undrinkable tap water, long travel days and dirty toilets at bus stations pose some challenges. Now she has great tips and tricks for you about your period while traveling.

The Days

I get my first period in the only place so far where the tap water is not drinkable. At least we have our own little bathroom in our simple hut on the beach. However, I now have to go to the toilet with a bottle of drinking water because I don't trust tap water. At first it takes forever to empty the cup and I'm anything but skillful with the water bottle in my hand. After a few tries, however, it works wonderfully.

Although my travel companion and I now know each other very well, I find it uncomfortable that our bathroom doesn't have a proper door. There is only one curtain, which is too small to completely block the view of the toilet, everything is audible and visible. I would like to be able to deal with it more confidently.

I get my second period the evening before a 16 hour day of travel, a true dream. However, with PINKEN PERLEN in my luggage it's quite manageable, although I'm worried that my cup will be too full and I won't have the opportunity to empty it. Our first bus arrives with the usual delay and when we finally get to the next bus terminal, all we can do is make a quick stop in the dirty bus station toilet, I can't do anything.

When we finally stand in front of the ticket counter after a long queue, I am really happy that the bus is already fully booked and we therefore have to wait two hours for the next one. We sit down in a cheap restaurant right next to the terminal, eat something and I quietly retreat to the toilet.

Balance sheet

My menstrual cup has proven itself, was reliable as always and is now also tried and tested for bus rides, snorkeling and surfing. The handling also worked quite well. I even managed to sterilize the cup (in the microwave, as there are no clean pots and nice and sneaky without feeling uncomfortable - see tips & tricks for the menstrual cup on the go). I never unpacked the three other cups, but I still think a backup makes sense.

Advantages over tampons & pads

  • Less volume and weight in your luggage

  • Suitable for all activities (including beach days or water sports like surfing)

  • Cup only needs to be emptied in the morning and evening if your menstruation is not too heavy

  • Travel more sustainably: disposable menstrual products cause a lot of waste

Tips & tricks for the menstrual cup on the go

  • Take a bottle of drinking water with you to the toilet in case there is no sink or clean water in the cabin (and disinfectant so you can thoroughly disinfect your hands before going out)

  • Alternatively: empty the cup in the shower and rinse it out

  • Sterilizing also works in the microwave (if there is one in the appropriate place): Place a cup in a cup with enough water, possibly put a spoon on top to weigh it down and put it in the microwave for approx. 5 minutes (at 800 watts)

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